Supervisory Duties
Clinical Services Supervision
Check if posted Post-graduate / staff nurse / student technologist is available on time.
Inspect & initial previous day nominal register.
Check if Previous days' USG census is entered in online daily stats spreadsheet.
Check if USG guided Biopsy / FNAC details are entered in the online Bx register form.
Random check of reports (name, seal, typing errors etc)
Monitor waiting times of OP USG scan requests. If there is long waiting time, to devise plan to reduce the same.
If the day's crowd is more, take steps to divert one PG for one hour from another posting.
Monitor Stock of Ultrasound gel (weekly)
Patient care & Infection Control Supervision
Inspect Emergency tray & drugs (weekly)
Inspect General cleanliness of USG room, USG machine & probe
Inspect bio-medical waste segregation.
Call matron-in-charge if Krystal worker has not reported.
Inspect Biopsy cart (where present)
Monitor functioning of air-conditioner systems. (weekly)
Statutory requirements
Check if Form-F details are entered in Antenatal USG Room.
Check insurance Doppler reports are uploaded without delay
Review ward manager performance every Friday.
Have a target of at least 10 Insurance dopplers per week
Regular entries in error reporting book
Entries in critical diagnosis intimation register
Suggest case to PG for uploading in Radatlas / printing for museum
Encourage PGs to work-up interesting cases for Clinical Society meeting or radiology meets.
Take on the spot capsule class for 10 minutes to BSc / DRDT students in the respective posting.
Monitor ongoing studies / publications